
A Jupyterlab/jupyterlite extension to fetch git repository (Github or Gitlab).

As for nbgitpuller, information about the repository to fetch has to be set in the URL.

Try JupyterLite!


The parameters to provide must be formatted as in nbgitpuller.
They can be (partially) generated with [nbgitpuller link generator] (

Currently the allowed parameters are:

  • repo: (required) the github repository to fetch.

  • branch: the branch of the repository to fetch (default to main).

  • urlpath: the path to a notebook file to open (relative to the root of the repository).

  • provider: The provider of the API. Currently it supports Github and Gitlab API.


Fetching a Github repository uses the unauthenticated Github API to fetch each file, with a capacity of 60 files per hour, see github API.

Do not expect to fetch a large repository with it.

Try it#

It can be tried with the current documentation, by providing parameters in the current URL of the documentation. These parameters will be used to fetch a repository in the Jupyterlite embedded in the page.